Checklist: What to Do with Your Work Accomplishments Before a Layoff

Young woman taking notes in a notebook, preparing a checklist for documenting work accomplishments before a potential layoff.
  1. Write Down Your Accomplishments
    • Keep a list of projects, achievements, skills, and results.
    • Include details like what you did and the outcome.
  2. Create a Personal Tracker
    • Use tools like Merit Marker to keep track of your work accomplishments.
    • Add descriptions and results that you can measure.
  3. Update Your LinkedIn Profile
    • Add new skills and projects to your LinkedIn profile.
    • Highlight your achievements with photos or videos.
    • Connect with coworkers and industry professionals.
  4. Get Testimonials and Endorsements
    • Ask coworkers, bosses, and clients for recommendations.
    • Add these to your LinkedIn profile or resume.
  5. Save Your Work
    • Store important work, like presentations and reports, in a personal cloud account.
    • Make sure you follow company rules about confidential information.
  6. Build and Maintain a Network
    • Go to industry events and join online groups.
    • Keep in touch with your professional contacts.
    • Follow up with people you meet to build relationships.
  7. Create an Online Portfolio or Website
    • Make a personal website with your resume, work samples, and testimonials.
    • Include a blog to share your thoughts and experiences.
  8. Learn New Skills
    • Take online courses, attend workshops, or get certifications.
    • Write down new skills and qualifications.
    • Stay updated on industry trends.
  9. Prepare for a Job Search
    • Keep your resume updated with your latest accomplishments.
    • Customize your resume for different job applications.
    • Practice answering interview questions.
  10. Think About Your Career Goals
    • Reflect on your career goals and where you want to go.
    • Identify your strengths and areas you can improve.
    • Set new career goals and look for roles that match your interests.

If You Know a Layoff Is Coming

If you’re fortunate enough to know a layoff is coming, take these extra steps:

  1. Finish Key Projects
  • Wrap up important projects and make sure they are completed to the best of your ability.
  • Document your contributions and results for future reference.
  1. Gather Important Contacts
  • Collect contact information for colleagues, clients, and other professional connections.
  • Reach out to let them know you’re moving on and stay in touch.
  1. Ask for References
  • Request written references or letters of recommendation from your supervisors or coworkers.
  • Ensure these are on company letterhead if possible.
  1. Prepare Financially
  • Review your financial situation and create a budget for the upcoming transition.
  • Consider applying for unemployment benefits if eligible.

By following this checklist, you can take proactive steps to protect your career and prepare for a layoff. Being prepared can help you transition smoothly and confidently into your next opportunity.

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